Pucci Wellness Center Blog | Functional Medicine

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

It’s Your Journey: Unlocking Optimal Health

Are you searching? Follow the timeline to find out which health journey you are on, and the cost to your optimal wellbeing from having to waste time & energy without the proper guidance. In our quest for a healthier life, it’s crucial to lay the groundwork with effective strategies from the start. Identifying key elements

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What’s Troubling You? Unraveling the Complexity of Health Challenges

In the realm of conventional medicine, a crucial element often overlooked is the interconnected web of factors influencing our health. Unlike the medical model, which tends to prescribe medications to alleviate symptoms without addressing underlying causes, a more comprehensive approach is needed. Drawing from years of experience, it becomes evident that even practitioners in functional,

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Take Control of How You Feel: High-Level Functional Medicine

In this exploration, we delve into a compelling case study involving a 36-year-old mother who began experiencing perplexing symptoms. Numbness, tingling, and migraines with varying intensities troubled her, particularly during sleep, leading to panic-inducing out-of-body experiences. Despite consulting multiple doctors, undergoing brain scans, and trying various medications, the root cause remained elusive. The video above

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menopausal woman on hormone journey

Navigating the Hormonal Rollercoaster: A Comprehensive Guide to Women’s Hormonal Health

From Perimenopause to Post-Menopause, Unraveling the Complex World of Hormones and Empowering Women to Thrive Table of Contents A New Approach to Women’s Hormonal Health Navigating the Hormonal Rollercoaster of Perimenopause Deciphering the Complex Web of Women’s Hormones Hormone Testing: A Window into Women’s Health Conclusion: Embracing Your Hormonal Health Journey Next Steps 1. A

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Mental Health

Elevate Mental Health & Well-being with a “Body First” Approach

Functional medicine is proving to be a huge catalyst for change for many, tipping the scales toward a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling existence. 3 Easy Mind/Body Habits That Can Transform Your Life. In today’s fast-paced world, marked by constant technological advancements and countless distractions, it’s easy to feel drained, downcast, and disconnected from the

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