4 Simple Actions That’ll Transform Your Wellbeing While Improving the Happiness of Others

Functional Medicine is as much about the actions we take as human beings to improve ourselves on the inside as it is about the selfless actions taken from without.

Transform Your Wellbeing

Mark Twain once proclaimed in a very beautiful way that “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” But what types of tiny actions can you take in your own life to not only improve your personal wellbeing, but also bring more happiness to others? Below we’ll cover 4 simple actions you can take right away that not only require minimal time or effort on your part, but are sure to have a transformative effect on yourself and others.

Action #1: Do Something Unexpected

A lesson from functional medicine I take to heart everyday is how important it is to “shock” the system by introducing new sensory input to your brain. As much as I love my daily routines, one of the most exciting ways to add more health and happiness to yourself and others is to do something unexpected. Pull out a new recipe and gather a few friends. Write a note of encouragement to someone whose wisdom you appreciate right now. Take a brisk walk and remember to wave and greet everyone you pass. Pick an unexpected action that resonates with you and will positively impact someone else. The options are truly endless.

Action #2: Practice Daily Gratitude

Unfortunately, there are people suffering or struggling every day in our world—whose own health & happiness have had to take a back seat. It’s a perfect reminder to develop gratitude for what we do have, no matter how small, even for something as simple as having clean water to drink (only 1 in 3 people in the world have access to safe drinking water). Believe it or not, living in gratitude takes practice, but the good news is it’s practically free.

By the way, you can start a healthy gratitude practice to attract more of what you want, including kindness, by downloading my free setup guide right now. This will not only make you feel good, but even a small devotion of your time and effort will start bringing your inner life and outer lifestyle into alignment (even if you don’t see it directly, right away).

Action #3: Send Handwritten Personal Letters

In today’s tech-based world that’s flooded with endless streams of emails, text messages, and social media posts – the handwritten letter has become a forgotten art form. But the good news is, by taking the time and effort to write out personal letters to those you love or have lost touch with, it’ll be a welcome 15-minute digital detox, and it’ll also make a lasting (and very positive) impact. To start, simply pick one person to write to and expand upon how their life has touched yours. The letter doesn’t need to be long. Be creative. Have fun with it. Mix in some humor or something that’ll touch their heart. Be personal. Once you write the letter, you’ll be surprised how good it’ll make you feel.

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Action #4: Spread Kindness to Strangers

We’re all human beings trying to do our best here on planet Earth. And no matter who we are, what we do, or our “status” in life – we all put our pants on the same way: one leg at a time! We’re equal. A fun and uplifting action to take in life to improve your own wellbeing and make a difference in the lives of others is by spreading kindness to strangers. It could be uplifting a fellow citizen who seems to be having a bad day at the supermarket, or chatting pleasantly with a stranger as they walk past you in the park. It could also be standing up for injustice, and even actively working on negative behaviors such as anger especially when directed outwardly toward others.

As you can see, there are many simple actions you can take that’ll benefit both your own health and wellbeing, while improving the happiness of others…

…These selfless actions can extend your life expectancy, reduce stress, make relationships stronger, boost positive emotions, and of course – awaken more authentic happiness from the inside out.

And the good news is, the actions you take can be small, and don’t require much effort on your part!

If you’ve loved this blog post and want to bring more energy & focus to the areas of your life that could use some support, then be sure to complete the short “Pillars of GI Health” questionnaire and I’ll send you my Gut Cleanse Diet Guide as a reward!

Douglas J. Pucci, Founder, Pucci Wellness. High-Level Functional Medicine located in Oradell, NJ, using Cutting-Edge Wellness Technology & the Telehealth Advantage. At Pucci Wellness, we are dedicated to elevating your healthcare experience to a level of prestige. Find out how by scheduling your first step success call today.

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